Thursday, October 6, 2011

Good Morning!

Good morning everyone! This morning has been okay so far. I definitely enjoyed my extra hour of sleep! (I don't have to come in to work until 9AM on Thursdays!) Let me know what you guys thought of the last post. I think it's good to reflect on ways to improve your happiness on a regular basis. One thing I read recently said that happiness is not an emotion, but a choice. I like that. Every day you have to make a conscious decision to be happy regardless of what comes your way. It's certainly not easy, but nothing worthwhile is. I have been trying this out lately, and it really has worked wonders on how I see my life.

Roman and I

One thing I was doing for a while (need to get back into this!) was writing three things that inspired me, made me happy, or I was grateful for in a journal every night before bed. It really helps to put things into perspective. If it sounds lame to you, just humor me and try it once. You may be surprised!

Like I said in the previous post, staying positive is a lot harder than staying negative. Negative thoughts come naturally, but if we make a conscious effort to change that little by little the positive thoughts will start to come easier too. I personally wonder what would happen if more people did this on a daily basis. Would people become happier and more caring towards one another? It's a nice thought for sure.

Let me know what you think about this!
Do you write in a journal?
Do you make a conscious effort to be happy?


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Power of "Me" Time

If you don’t like who you are and where you are, don’t worry about it because you’re not stuck either with who you are or where you are. you can grow. You can change .You can be more than you are.

~Zig Ziglar

This quote really speaks to me. So often I get stuck in a rut, and I get down on myself. We all do. It's in our nature. But we are the only ones who can make a change. It's easy to get stuck in a negative frame of mind. Psychology teaches us that negative things have more impact than positive things. So for every one negative thought or event that occurs, we need many more positive things to make up for it. Keep that in mind when you are having a rough day. I can always think of something to be grateful for no matter what. I am so blessed in so many ways. 

One thing that has helped me is to truly devote attention to myself at least once a day. It doesn't have to take an hour. Even just 5 minutes of you time can help. Do what makes you happy and you will be energized to get through the rest of the day. Running has helped me in more ways than I ever imagined it would. I am not athletic by nature, trust me on that. I was the bookworm growing up, and I never played sports. I look forward to running, because it is the only time in my day that I am not trying to multitask. It is my time to focus on myself. I never realized the value of that until lately. How can I be of any use to others if I don't take care of me first.

I challenge you to do the same.

What are some ways that you make time for yourself?
How do you replace negative thoughts with positive ones?

Let me know if you have any suggestions for future posts!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog Goal-Setting

Hi there! Anyone? Well, at this point I have no one to blame but myself for my lack of followers on this blog. I haven't exactly been committed to writing posts. Right now I am trying to learn how to make this blog more Britny-friendly as well as reader-friendly for potential followers (*crosses fingers*). At any rate, I am not very happy with the current layout of the blog, so I am going to (hopefully) create my own header and tweak the layout to represent the blog's focus more. I hope to add a few features to the blog as well. I want to post more often for obvious reasons and make the blog more personal. More pictures for sure! Thanks for being patient!
