Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Thoughts

A lot of excitement is going on around here. Roman and I are about to move in to a house together; I just graduated college; Roman just finished EMT school; I am about to start a masters program in the Fall. It's like a new beginning, and its both exciting and nervewracking at the same time. Don't you hate how the smallest seeds of worry can grow faster than anything in the garden can? What if? That is one of the scariest thoughts one can have. I need to be better about dealing with worry and focus on the present. I can't be in control of everything, and if I could that would be very unhealthy anyway.

Focus. I need to focus on the positives. I am with a man that I love. I have a college education. I have a bright future ahead of me. No matter what life dishes out I can take it. Writing that down makes me feel better.

Reading other people's blogs is my escape most of the time, but maybe I need to read about my own life from time to time. I want to grow always. I want to be a better person every day. I struggle at times with anger, stress, and worry but don't we all? Happiness is about seeing the good in all things. Happiness isn't something to look's already within me. I need to realize that. In some ways, we all do.